
Power Alac Renegade

  • last updated on Sat Jul 01 2023

The Renegade is one of the professions with the most support and utility. It provides permanent Alacrity, half of the necessary Might with Heroic Command , and if that is not enough already, the Renegade has also excellent CC capabilities with Surge of the Mists and Darkrazor's Daring .

Damage-wise the Renegade is on the lower end compared to the other damage dealing classes. This does not imply that the damage doesn’t matter; in fact Renegade has a very juicy burst that makes slacking DPS players sweaty.

Since the Renegade is a power-oriented build it benefits from Powerful Potion of Slaying Scarlet's Armies and Superior Sigil of Impact .

To see how the Renegade is played in Pick Up Groups refer to Renegade CM guides .


Situational Traits

If you can’t profit from Incensed Response and someone in your party needs any of the boons given by Spirit Boon . This would most likely be a Guardian in need of Resolution.
This trait will allow you to provide 25 stacks of Might to your party. If you also want to provide 100% Alacrity in longer fights you will need 100% Boon Duration, however on shorter fights or in fast groups you may be able to get away with less if you precast at the Mistlock Singularity.
This trait is a personal DPS increase. It can be used on shorter fights where you can precast most of the required Alacrity at the Mistlock Singularity.

Defiance Bar Damage

Hard Crowd Control:

Soft Crowd Control:

Situational Skills

This Herald skill grants you Superspeed.
Step through the Mists to your target.
Create a stone road granting Stability to allies.
Pull enemies up to 360 radius.
Protective barrier blocking enemy projectiles.
This Renegade skill shield your allies with -50% Incoming Condition Damage for 10s.
This Vindicator skill lunge you forward up to 600 range.

Burst Rotation

While Impossible Odds or Vengeful Hammers are up depending on your selected legend.

Ideally you would want to do your burst rotation under the effect of Exposed.

Dealing with No Pain, No Gain

There are multiple weapons in your arsenal to deal with the instability Mistlock Instability: No Pain, No Gain and make it easier to manage the boons that the enemy will receive from this instability. For fractals with Mistlock Instability: No Pain, No Gain it is recommended to run a staff with Superior Sigil of Absorption instead of a Superior Sigil of Force . The Superior Sigil of Absorption will transfer three boons from enemies to you when you interrupt an attack. For enemies with a defiance bar, using a CC skill while the enemy is casting any ability counts as interrupting, even if there is no “interrupted” message. This can also be run on Sword instead of Superior Sigil of Impact if necessary, and the boonstrip can be procced with Darkrazor's Daring

As for legends that you want to run, the general rule of thumb in groups that perform at least relatively well is to run Legendary Renegade Stance and Legendary Demon Stance . If you find the stability to be an issue on Artsariiv in slower groups where "Stand Your Ground!" isn’t enough to cover the Stability, you can run Legendary Dwarf Stance and Legendary Demon Stance or alternatively heavily rely on your Superior Sigil of Absorption to strip the boons and run Legendary Renegade Stance and Legendary Dwarf Stance . However, this isn’t recommended due to the unreliability of Superior Sigil of Absorption .


Citadel Order Skills:

Sword Skills:

  • Preparation Thrust - The auto-attack chain cleaves and provides Vulnerability on the two first attacks. The third attack creates an exploding rift on up to three targets, with each explosion hitting three targets. Potentially hitting nine times.
  • Chilling Isolation - High damage skill with low cooldown and energy cost, also provides Chilled. The second attack deals increased damage to isolated enemies.
  • Unrelenting Assault - A two second evade that also provides Might to yourself.
  • Shackling Wave - High damage skill, however, should be used in key moments due to the energy cost, cooldown, and application of Vulnerability.
  • Deathstrike - Shadowstep to the target, grants two hits with decent damage. Should be used in key moments, unless energy and timing allow it to be used for damage.

Staff Skills:

  • Rapid Swipe - The auto-attack chain cleaves and the last hit provides a small amount of healing to allies.
  • Mender's Rebuke - Provides Weakness and a small amount of healing to allies.
  • Warding Rift - A two second block that causes Blinded foes.
  • Renewing Wave - Provides a blast for a combo field, cleanses two conditions and heals allies.
  • Surge of the Mists - The strongest Crowd Control skill in your arsenal, which grants between three and nine hits of Knockback.

Notable Traits:


Legendary Renegade Stance

  • Breakrazor's Bastion - Summons a spirit that heals you on cast and pulses heal to allies in an area around it. Reduces damage taken from conditions by 50%.
  • Razorclaw's Rage - Summons a spirit that causes your party to inflict Bleeding on attack.
  • Darkrazor's Daring - Summons a spirit that Dazes enemies in an area around it for ¼ of a second once per second for six seconds.
  • Icerazor's Ire - Summons a spirit that deals high damage to enemies around it and inflicts Vulnerability
  • Soulcleave's Summit - Summons a spirit that enchants your party’s attacks with life steal. Increases damage dealt by your party while healing them for each attack.

Legendary Assassin Stance

Legendary Dwarf Stance

Legendary Demon Stance

Legendary Centaur Stance

  • Project Tranquility - Summon Ventari’s Tablet which heals nearby allies every few seconds.
  • Ventari's Will - Move Ventari’s Tablet to the target location.
  • Protective Solace - Toggle: Summons a protective barrier that absorbs (not reflect) projectiles around the tablet.
  • Natural Harmony - Heals the party for a decent amount around the tablet.
  • Purifying Essence - Cleanses three conditions from allies near the tablet and heals per condition cleansed.
  • Energy Expulsion - Drains your remaining energy to explode Ventari’s Tablet, cleansing one condition per 10 energy drained. Ventari’s Tablet shatters into smaller fragments that can be picked up by allies for a small heal.