
Condi (Alac) Specter

  • last updated on Sun Jul 02 2023

The Condi Specter is a high DPS condition build with great team support options. It offers large amounts of Barrier for your party, some healing and a small amount of Might and Swiftness by targeting allied players.

The beginner version of this guide will focus on the most important utility options and try to teach a slightly simplified rotation step-by-step while giving some notes on what you can do to optimize in the future.

The advanced page provides a more complete overview of the utilities the Thief has to offer. Once you can execute the step-by-step rotation provided below without spending too much thought on it and are confident with the utility options provided here, head over and check out the advanced page for some extra information. Feel free to swap to the advanced page early if you feel like you are missing some information on additional (less common) utility skills or trait swaps.



Deadly Arts

No Pain, No Gain Variant

Bountiful Theft over Pressure Striking on Mistlock Instability: No Pain, No Gain days, or when boonstrip is needed.


Defiance Bar Damage

Basilisk Venom 150 Defiance bar damage per ally (up to 750 CC).
Shadowfall 450 Defiance bar damage.
Enter Shadow Shroud Mind Shock (skill 5) does 150 Defiance bar damage.
Scorpion Wire 150 Defiance bar damage.
Head Shot 200 Defiance bar damage (260 with Superior Sigil of Paralyzation ).
Dancing Dagger Crippled 15/s Defiance bar damage.
Devourer Venom Immobile 50/s Defiance bar damage.

Situational Skills

A situational damage ability; take this over Thousand Needles on moving targets.
Highest sustained healing.
Best party healing.
Taken over Prepare Thousand Needles when extra CC is needed (particularly useful on MAMA).
Taken for extra personal DPS, when CC isn’t needed. Can also be precasted on the mistlock before swapping to Basilisk Venom ,
Rotation / Skill usage

Step-by-Step Rotation

Step 1: Scepter 3 and F1

In the first step, we will focus on spending our Initiative and gaining some of it back.

  • The main skill we want to spend it on is Twilight Combo .
  • Besides that, we will just auto-attack on Scepter. Finishing auto-attack chains is not necessary.
  • When low on Initiative, use Siphon to gain back some through Kleptomaniac . Be careful as this skill can cancel other skills you are currently casting.

Step 2: Shadow Shroud

Next up, we want to incorporate Enter Shadow Shroud . This will be useful for gaining back Initiative instead of auto-attacking on Scepter for too long.

  • When at low Initiative, use Enter Shadow Shroud as soon as possible.
  • This will trigger Quick Pockets and give you back some Initiative (unless you recently weapon swapped before).
  • Use Skills 2,4 and 5 off-cooldown in Shroud. There are 2 options to track how long you want to stay in Shroud:
  1. Leave Shroud when your Initiative is almost full.
  2. Leave Shroud after the 3rd time casting skill 2 (if you entered at 0-1 Initiative) or after casting 2 additional auto-attacks after the 2nd time (if you entered at 3-4 initiative).

The 2nd way is more future-proof due to being independent of Quick Pockets timings if you have to swap to Pistol during the fight or when you move on to using the 2nd Dagger to trigger Quick Pockets at different times.

Step 3: Venoms

The first utility skills we will incorporate will be the venoms, namely Spider Venom and Skale Venom .

  • Venoms give a buff to ourselves and 4 allies that will make the next attacks inflict various conditions. It will count towards your damage and scale with your stats.
  • This also means they will be a lot more effective in a real fight “with allies” compared to the golem.
  • Use these skills off-cooldown. They are instant-casts and can therefore be used while casting other skills.
  • Use Basilisk Venom whenever its CC is needed. This one does have a cast-time though.
  • If a Mistlock Singularity is present, you can even precast them there before taking the singularity to reset your skills and use them again once the first ones are used up. This will ensure massive burst damage at the start of the fight.

Step 4: Thousand Needles

Lastly, you have Prepare Thousand Needles .

  • Using this skill will place a trap on the ground that will take 3 seconds until you can use it again to trigger the trap dealing damage and inflicting conditions in the area.
  • Use it off-cooldown unless you know the boss will move soon. You can place it on the boss’s location before the boss becomes attackable. The cooldown will start when you first place it, not when you trigger it.
  • Due to its stationary nature, this skill can easily get wasted on bosses that move around a lot. You can consider Devourer Venom as an alternative to enemies that move around a lot. In that case, use it like the other 2 venoms in step 3.

Step-by-Step Video

This video shows the step-by-step approach to the rotation listed on the left.

test by Ascers

Golem Rotation

This video shows the full golem rotation. It optimizes the use of Superior Sigil of Doom and Quick Pockets .

test by Incera