
Power Daredevil

  • last updated on Sun Jul 02 2023

The Power Daredevil has great sustained DPS, great burst on stacked trash mobs, good single target burst, brings excellent crowd control and offers Stealth, which paired with top tier mobility thanks to Infiltrator's Arrow , Shadowstep and Infiltrator's Signet can enable fast skips in T4s. Daredevil has a very simplistic rotation, which makes it fairly easy to play, but due to initiative and energy management, Daredevil becomes quite hard to master.

In fractals Power Daredevil does have some drawbacks:

  1. First reason is Twin Fangs , which forces Daredevil to constantly flank to crit cap, unless you adjust your gear (with the current setup this isn’t required if you run Signet of Agility ).
  2. While being a very strong build on a lot of T4s, Power Daredevil struggles to keep up with other power builds on CMs and it is reccomended to play Condi Specter 🡢 Go to build instead.
  3. Because of Bounding Dodger , you may be pushing your teammates on fractals with Mistlock Instability: Social Awkwardness instability into deadly zones.

The build benefits from slaying potions such as Powerful Potion of Slaying Scarlet's Armies and Superior Sigil of Impact .



Deadly Arts
Critical Strikes

Situational Traits

Critical Strikes trait. Heals you with % of damage dealt, useful if you can’t stay alive.
Daredevil trait. Healing and condition cleanse on evade.
Daredevil trait. Changes dodge to a dash, increasing your mobility. Also condi cleanses and grants Swiftness

If no one in your party can boonrip when the Mistlock Instability: No Pain, No Gain instability is present you can swap Deadly Arts for the Trickery line with the following traits:

Palm Strike 200 Defiance bar damage
Basilisk Venom 150 Defiance bar damage per ally
Prepare Pitfall 300 Defiance bar damage
Head Shot 200 Defiance bar damage (260 with Superior Sigil of Paralyzation )

T4 Skips


Situational Skills

Heal skills:

Good passive healing.
Helps to prepare burst with Revealed Training
Additional mobility.
Good for skips where additional endurance is needed.

3rd utility skill:

Good for short phases for additional burst as well as being a CC skill.
With this skill you are crit capped without the flanking bonus from Twin Fangs .

Elite skills:

Amazing cleave ability, may be useful on heavy trash fights or when reflects are needed.
Additional personal DPS.
Amazing crowd control skill. 150 CC per party member on a relatively low coolddown.

Skills for skips

Group stealth. Keep in mind, if you leave the AoE before it ends, you will be revealed for a long period.
Use it to blast Stealth for skips or to destroy projectiles.
3 seconds AoE Stealth (also another blast).
1200 range shadowstep, useful for some skips.
1200 range teleport, use it again to teleport back.
One way portal, useful if you don’t have White Mantle Portal Device .
900 range shadowstep, useful for some skips.
Used as a blast finisher to stack Stealth.
900 range shadowstep. When used will swap to Infiltrator's Return , allowing you to return to your original position.
Rotation / Skill Usage


Staff 5 Vault is worth using if you can hit 4 or more mobs at once. Especially since staff autoattacks and Weakening Charge can only hit 3 targets. So on big groups of trash mobs you should just spam Vault and then finish them with Dagger Storm .

Another amazing shortbow skill is Cluster Bomb (Shortbow 2). It is a blast finisher with a low initiative cost. Use it to blast Might and Stealth with fire and smoke fields respectively.

Keep in mind you can precast skills like Spider Venom , Thieves Guild or Basilisk Venom and take the mistlock singularity to refresh their coolddown. For example: Precast Thieves Guild , take mistlock, cast Basilisk Venom , and swap to Thieves Guild again.

Although Daredevil doesn’t have access to Superspeed by default. You can use a template with Superior Rune of the Zephyrite , Endless Choya Piñata Tonic or Executioner Axe Toy can be used to execute even more skips for your party in T4s.



Blast might with Cluster Bomb . Cast Spider Venom , Skale Venom , Ice Drake Venom and Thieves Guild , take mistlock and swap to normal skills. Dodge 2 times, use Hide in Shadows and dodge last time, right before fight starts.


  1. Weakening Charge (Staff 2)
  2. Assassin's Signet (during Staff 2)
  3. Weakening Charge (Staff 2)
  4. Weakening Charge (Staff 2)
  5. Weakening Charge 2x (Staff 2)

Burst 1: When you have one bar of Endurance and no Steal (F1)

  1. Dodge
  2. Weakening Charge (Staff 2)
  3. Assassin's Signet (during Staff 2)
  4. Weakening Charge (Staff 2)
  5. Weakening Charge (Staff 2)
  6. Weakening Charge 2x (Staff 2)

Burst 2: When you have no Endurance but have Steal (F1)

  1. Steal (F1)
  2. Dodge
  3. Weakening Charge (Staff 2)
  4. Assassin's Signet (during Staff 2)
  5. Weakening Charge (Staff 2)
  6. Weakening Charge (Staff 2)
  7. Dodge
  8. Weakening Charge 2x (Staff 2)

Loop while waiting for Assassin's Signet to be off cooldown:

  1. Staff Strike => => (Staff 1)
  2. Dodge
  3. Weakening Charge (Staff 2) (Do it 2x if you get max Initiative while you are waiting for Assassin's Signet )

You can also activate Assassin's Signet to burst for the last few attacks of a fight.