
dT Daily Comps

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Playing in organised groups

It all comes down to some important concepts that need to be fulfilled permanently while in combat. Failing one of these will slow down the run and affect its smoothness.

  1. Boons: 25 stacks of Might, Fury, Quickness and Alacrity.
  2. Conditions: 25 stacks of vulnerability, along with any unique condis that your class needs to gain damage modifiers.
  3. Breaking CC bars to gain the damage modifier from Exposed.
  4. It’s extremely important to execute a good boon precast before every boss, which means blasting Might, sharing Quickness and Alacrity on a precast template that has high boon duration, so that these will stay for longer during the encounters.
  5. Supports aren’t healers. As a support your job is to deal as much damage as you can while providing the boons you were chosen for.
Useful Links

In this section you can find links to different parts of the site with information relevant to each class and strategies we use for guild runs. This comes in the form of PoVs, Class Guides for CM bosses, Example Logs, and PoVs. All CC Schedules used in the PoVs and guides in this section can be found here CC-Distribution